F.A. Couplings
F.A couplings are composed of two cast masses, with an elastic center, with vulcanized steel inserts and UNF bolts.
Ideal for high-speed applications and have the following benefits:

High performance
Great elastic response and do not warp

Longest lifecycle
Longer lifecyle of every attached part since do not generate axial loads.

Dynamically stable
Stable operation given by their efficient design.

Less storage stock
One F.A. coupling replaces two competing models, so the variety of stock required is less.

Low maintenance
Natural wear and tear of the material suggests the replacement of the elastic center 5 years, due to natural wear and tear of the material.

F.A. couplings are interchangeable with every full band couplings on the market, matching the distance between shaft tips and the diameter between hole centers.

The elastic element replacement is carried out without the need for intervention of the mass.